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Strategies/Estrategias MRV and Transparency/MRV y Transparencia Mitigation/Mitigación Climate Finance/Financiación climática Capacity building/Desarrollo de capacidades All Projects/Todos los Proyectos

Review and support the development of the National GHG Inventory of El Salvador

National Energy Efficiency Policy and Strategy Action Plan for Barbados

In-Depth Sectorial Review of UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Low Carbon Development Strategy for Bolivia

National GHG Inventory System of Nicaragua

Strengthening and improvement of Colombia’s Mitigation MRV System

Energy and Climate Change specialist to support in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in El Salvador

Baseline analysis and strategic advice on climate-smart investments in the development project of Msimbazi Basin in Tanzania

Elaboration of a Strategy for the development and implementation of a Climate Transparency System in Honduras

Review of the F-Gases methodology under the CLIMA Projects

Analysis of LTS submitted to the UNFCCC from Latin America and their alignment with NDC

Update of The Bahamas’ Nationally Determined Contributions

Technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Paraguay

Technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Equatorial Guinea

Diagnosis of Energy and Transport sector contributions under the NDC context of Paraguay

Technical and policy advising services to update the first NDC of Barbados

Diagnosis of the IPPU sector contributions under the NDC context

International Climate Change Mitigation Specialist for BUR3 and 4NC of Paraguay

Development of tools for inclusive partnerships and investments for implementation and monitoring of Guinea’s NDC

Biennial Update Report of Mauritius

Guidance and operationalization of the corresponding adjustments, in relation to Art. 6 in view of the BTR report in Paraguay

Review and support the development of the National GHG Inventory of El Salvador

Terminal Review of CBIT I and Design of CBIT II of Dominican Republic

National Energy Efficiency Policy and Strategy Action Plan for Barbados

Design the NDC Partnership Plan and its Implementation Strategy in Honduras

In-Depth Sectorial Review of UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory

National Climate Finance Strategy for El Salvador

Low Carbon Development Strategy for Bolivia

National GHG Inventory System of Nicaragua

Strengthening and improvement of Colombia’s Mitigation MRV System

Energy and Climate Change specialist to support in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in El Salvador

Baseline analysis and strategic advice on climate-smart investments in the development project of Msimbazi Basin in Tanzania

Support for the development of the First Biennial Update Report (BUR1) of Nicaragua

Elaboration of a Strategy for the development and implementation of a Climate Transparency System in Honduras

Review of the F-Gases methodology under the CLIMA Projects

Analysis of LTS submitted to the UNFCCC from Latin America and their alignment with NDC

Support and review of the 4th National Communication of Nicaragua

Update of The Bahamas’ Nationally Determined Contributions

Technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Paraguay

Technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Equatorial Guinea

Strategic mitigation options in the solid waste sector in Honduras

Diagnosis of Energy and Transport sector contributions under the NDC context of Paraguay

Technical and policy advising services to update the first NDC of Barbados

International transparency and reporting guidelines of the GHGI and mitigation assessment of the AFOLU sector for the 3rd BUR of Mexico

Increasing the ambition of the NDCs and climate financing in the Central América

Assessing Institutional, Policy and Planning Systems to deliver on Key Climate Transitions in Honduras

Diagnosis of the IPPU sector contributions under the NDC context

International Climate Change Mitigation Specialist for BUR3 and 4NC of Paraguay

Development of tools for inclusive partnerships and investments for implementation and monitoring of Guinea’s NDC

Quality Assurance (QA) of the Spanish Emissions Inventory

Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Honduras

Biennial Update Report of Mauritius

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